Is Depression a Silent Killer? Learn today!

Depression is a mental condition marked by severe sadness and a loss of interest. It's known as a silent killer that's because the person who is currently smiling at you might commit suicide shortly after leaving your company. Do you feel depressed sometimes and really want to know how to get freedom from it? So let's dive into the article!

Permanent Tensions make Depression

Depression is a psychological condition that, if not treated promptly, can lead to mortality. It's common to feel hopeless from time to time, but if it lasts for a long period, it might suggest that you're depressed.

An alteration in your everyday routine is brought on by depression. In your day-to-day actions, there's a lot of disorder. There indicates a problem with the person you are communicating. Consider how you view things.

Sadness, laziness, and a loss of interest in activities are all symptoms of depression. "Life is boring," a sad person you encounter is likely to say. It's dark these days, and everything looks to be broken," and so on. You will, either. Accepting your sadness will definitely improve your mood.

Depression, in my opinion, is the most serious sickness one can have. People who are depressed on the inside will never reveal how much they are suffering.

However, keeping your depression hidden from others is more likely to hurt you in the long run. Most sad people are unaware of it in the worst ways.
When they emerge on the other side, be around them. Being a friend to someone who is sad is challenging, but it is one of the nicest, purest, and most rewarding things you can do."

Symptoms/Changes made initial stage

1) Disrupted sleep:

Insomnia or sleep disturbances are common among those who suffer from depression. You could sleep too much or not enough.

2) Objection to food:

People who are depressed are unable to manage their weight; either they gain weight or they lose weight. To gain or lose weight, you must either be overweight or underweight.

3) Alters in your mood:

Most of the time, a person who is depressed is irritable. Sorrow things make them mad.

4) Shame or a sense of worthlessness:

Threats of harm or meaninglessness may be overtaking the individual. It also includes self-blaming.

5) Suicidal thoughts:

When you're depressed, you're more likely to have suicidal ideas. Depressed people, for the most part, disregard personal cleanliness.

Depression and Its Effects on Your Health

  • Sexual Attraction

Depression has an impact on relationships as well. Loss of sexual desire or libido is one of the most distressing symptoms of depression. People with depression, whether male or female, often lose interest in their companions. Symptoms may not be readily apparent at first. However, sexual dysfunction decreased sex pleasure, and lower sex drive can become an issue for both couples over time.

  • Obesity

Depression can limit a person to the bed or sofa due to a lack of interest in daily tasks. He or she frequently overeats and fails to recognize when they are full. The number of calories consumed increases dramatically, but the number of calories burnt decreases. Weight gain can happen quickly and frequently.

  • Acidity and Digestive problems

Hypersecretion of stomach acids can be caused by depression and anxiety. Inflammation and stomach or intestinal ulcers can be caused by these acids.

  • Hormonal problems

Hormonal imbalances, excessive stomach secretions, and poor eating habits can all cause indigestion and irregular bowel motions. Constipation in the abdomen, stomach discomfort, and vomiting are all signs of severe or long-term depression.

  • Acidity and Digestive problems

Hypersecretion of stomach acids can be caused by depression and anxiety. Inflammation and stomach or intestinal ulcers can be caused by these acids.

  • Heart Problems

Stress hormones, the "stress hormone," as well as adrenaline and norepinephrine, are commonly elevated in depression. Hormonal imbalance and elevated blood pressure resulting from the progressive rise. The risk of arterial blockage is increased by hypertension, stress, and fat. Atherosclerosis is the medical term for this condition.

It's a good idea to see a cardiologist if you're over 35, overweight, or maintain a sedentary lifestyle, and suffer from chronic depression.

  • Headache & Pains

Symptoms generally, migraine headaches and headaches are more common in those who are depressed. It also intensifies nerve pain, typical joint pain, and the pain associated with chronic illnesses like inflammatory arthritis.

An individual suffering from depression may have a poor tolerance for small discomforts.

Furthermore, depression makes you inactive, which increases your risk of backache, Hypertension, leg swelling, and nervous disorders.

  • Chronic Depression

Depression or severe mood illness are two mental health diagnoses that can result from chronic depression.

Other psychological problems or mental health issues may be linked to chronic depression

  • Long-term memory loss is one of the most common symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Dread
  • Panic attacks are quite common.
  • Restless state
  • Intense behavior (OCD)
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Maternal depression is a condition that occurs after a woman gives birth to a child.
  • Addiction and dependency on drugs and alcohol