If you suffer from overweight and need to lose 30 kg in a year, in the next article some secrets for losing weight and achieving this goal will be revealed, through an example weekly menu, which foods are recommended and which ones would be better to leave in the pantry at least for a while.
Diet to lose 30 kg in a year: sample weekly menu
When you decide to embark on a weight loss diet, the best choice is to contact a specialist doctor in the sector, who is able to propose a balanced and healthy weekly menu, designed precisely according to everyone's needs.
An incorrect eating behavior, often and willingly dictated by the dictates of the throat, leads over time to accumulate more and more weight, the primary cause of heart disease, vascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes.
The secret to maintaining constancy when you're on a diet is to break down boredom by choosing what to put in your trolley yourself and varying the flavors every day.
A healthy lifestyle includes three main meals, balanced in terms of macronutrients, and two snacks that have the purpose of "buffering hunger" without weighing down the digestive system too much.
For example, a weekly menu could include a sweet breakfast with a cappuccino prepared with vegetables or partially skimmed milk, without the addition of sugar, a portion of carbohydrates (generally 30 g) which can be wholemeal rusks, oat flakes or spelled, and a fruit.
Providing the body with the right caloric intake in the morning is essential to face the day with the right energy. Those who prefer salty foods can instead opt for green tea, ideal for physical well-being, boiled eggs, and fruit such as an apple, pear, berries, or freshly squeezed orange juice.
Obviously, it is not recommended to eat eggs every day, therefore another alternative is that toast, prepared with wholemeal bread, preferably unpackaged, and lean cold cuts such as bresaola, turkey, or chicken breast.
As for the mid-morning break, an intake of good fats helps the proper functioning of the heart and the assimilation of nutrients, so green light to walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and cashews.
Be careful though! Despite being counted among good foods, dried fruit has a considerable caloric value, therefore it is important to introduce it into the diet, but with controlled doses. The ideal is 10 grams, which roughly corresponds to 7 almonds or three walnuts.
One of the weaknesses of Italians is lunch: tradition calls for a large plate of pasta every day, topped off with a generous sprinkling of grated parmesan. Pasta is a food that absolutely should not be banned if made in controlled quantities and seasoned with vegetables and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, it represents an invaluable source of fiber and vitamins.
The ideal is 50 grams of pasta, preferably wholemeal, spelled, or Kamut with zucchini, aubergines, and tomatoes at will, without exceeding salt and oil. As far as the protein content is concerned, a small portion of Parmesan (about 5 grams) can be used, or lean cold cuts.
At the end of the meal, it is preferable to avoid fruit, as it could cause abdominal swelling and hinder digestion. The afternoon snack is the one that causes the most problems for those on a diet; when hunger calls, it seems that all you would like to eat is chocolate, biscuits, chips, and pizzas.
Why not favor a portion of fresh seasonal fruit instead?
A bowl of strawberries with a squeeze of lemon or a handful of blueberries or a banana are better choices to assuage the hunger pangs that catch our attention between lunch and dinner.
Another very valid alternative is yogurt: this food is an excellent ally for the figure, as it is rich in proteins and probiotics which are real allies for the intestine. Even in this case, however, you need to pay a closer eye to the label, not all of them have adequate nutritional values.
Very often they are very rich in sugar and preservatives and have lower satiating power. The best advice is to always prefer low-fat white yogurt, possibly without added sugar.
Another ideal solution is Greek yogurt; this is not particularly for all palates, as it has a slightly acidic and decisive taste, however it is an invaluable source of protein and has high satiating power.
Dinner is the time to relax after a tiring day, so it's easy (and understandable) that many decide to move towards something quick and practical, but definitely not healthy. Even at dinner time, we must always keep in mind what our goal is, therefore staying focused on the diet and the foods to cook to fill the stomach and soul.
In the evening it would be better to avoid carbohydrates, so go ahead with proteins: boiled white fish such as cod or hake, grilled white meat, turkey or chicken, and plenty of fresh vegetables.
Although salmon belongs to the category of "fatty" fish, it is excellent for its intake of omega 3 and omega 6, therefore it is advisable to introduce it at least once a week.
Clearly, after the initial enthusiasm, it may happen that moments of "failure" occur during the diet. In order to try to avoid them as much as possible, it is advisable to introduce small cheats on a weekly basis, such as on Saturday evening or Sunday at lunchtime, that are able to satisfy our palate.
Why abolish pizza altogether? Better to indulge in a whim every now and then to avoid the risk of swallowing completely uncontrolled after months of restrictions. Surely it would be more suitable to choose a marinara, or a pizza with grilled vegetables, rather than a four cheese or a capriccioso, the important thing is to immediately get back on the right track.
To lose 30 kg in a year it is essential to have great motivation and constancy; losing such a substantial weight is not a merely aesthetic factor but it is very important for the health and well-being of the person himself. Varying foods and making the right choices are the key to success in terms of healthy and balanced nutrition.
Before embarking on a path like this, it is essential to carry out a blood test to be subsequently submitted to the attention of the doctor, so that he can provide more careful and specific suggestions, studied on a case-by-case basis.
How to lose 30 kg in a year: recommended foods
The weight loss of no less than 30 kg in a year requires an initial revolution that starts right from the trolley. Anyone wishing to achieve such an important goal must, first of all, prefer a diet where a higher protein content is introduced.
Space therefore for lean cold cuts such as bresaola, turkey, or chicken breast; light cheeses such as cottage cheese and white meats. Chicken or turkey breasts are real allies when you are on a diet, as they are able to satiate without weighing down the stomach.
Even the fish world provides alternative solutions for those on a diet: white fish has a delicate flavor that lends itself to many delicious recipes, but at the same time light, while blue fish has a much more decisive but also is an essential source of protein and phosphorus.
At the base of any healthy diet are fruit and vegetables: colorful, tasty, and extremely versatile, they are the ally par excellence in order to guarantee the body vitamins and minerals.
Although they have few calories, they have high satiating power, so for those who have to embark on a long journey of weight loss, zucchini, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and broccoli are real friends. Fruit is also important, but as in all things we must not exaggerate, as there are many types that are sugary such as grapes, persimmons, and bananas.
Another thing to keep an eye on is the seasonality of the foods you put in your trolley… your body and your wallet will be positively affected.
It is very important not to ban carbohydrates from the diet: many people firmly believe that eliminating pasta, bread, rice, and starchy foods is an essential element to see the needle go down.
There is nothing more wrong! Carbohydrates are the fuel of the brain and body, without which there would be no energy to face everyday life. The important thing is to choose wholemeal ones, rich in fiber and prepared with unrefined flour.
How to lose 30 kg in a year: foods to avoid
When you are on a diet, the secret is to eliminate everything that is tempting. Junk foods, while representing a cuddle in bad times or in times of loneliness, are extremely harmful to a person's well-being.
Taking a weight loss journey of 30 kg is a serious choice, which requires awareness and seriousness. It is essential to avoid the consumption of foods rich in saturated fats, such as chips, packaged sweets, and biscuits.
Also banned are carbonated drinks, rich in sugars and carbon dioxide which do nothing but increase daily calorie consumption, not providing vitamins or other substances. Alas, for a while you have to say goodbye to fried foods and ultra-greasy takeaway foods!
Finally, it is important to keep an eye on the condiments, so that all efforts can subsequently be resolved with a smile full of satisfaction.